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We have a great range of regular vendors and also host an exciting array of visiting and part-time vendors.
We are always seeking stallholders who want to become part of our vibrant Sunday market. 

Over the years our market has seen hand crafted wool and wood products, soap and skincare, photography, fresh fruit and vegetables, chocolate, cheese, honey, wine, craft beer/cider, plants, flowers, fresh baked goods, wild harvested items, and so much more. If you produce high quality products we’d love to hear from you.

If you are interested in becoming a Vendor please fill out the Application For
mWe will review your application and be in touch.


If you intend to sell value-added processed food products (i.e. cooked, baked, bottled, preserved or otherwise processed), you are likely to have to register under the Food Act 2014. Where does your business fit?

Click here to find out more about MPI rules. There is also information on the QLDC website.


If you are not already registered but need to be, please download any forms and submit them to the appropriate organisation/s. Once you have received their approval, include these with your completed Vendor Application Form.  

As a Vendor, it is your responsibility to have the appropriate registration/s in order. We are mandated to submit details of all vendors for every market to QLDC under our consent conditions – there are no shortcuts when it comes to food safety obligations.

Supporting local Community Groups to Fundraise and/or Share Information

We’re incredibly proud to be a community-driven venture that is well supported by locals.

If you’re part of a Community Group and looking for a fundraising opportunity, please consider having a stall at our market as we love promoting and supporting community groups of all types.  We have a limited number of no-charge community stalls available by application.

How to apply

Please apply via the website form and we'll get back to you - easy as that!

If you are having any difficulty filling in the online form please click here to access a Google form or email us at for help.

Further Information

Normal food safety and handling conditions apply under MPI rules, and as a community group QLDC will allow you to hold up to 20 food-related fundraising events a year before you have to consider registration.

Apply here

Do you make your product completely from scratch (for example from timber and hardware purchased at Bunnings) or do you buy the basic product in and add value to it (for example you buy in individual jewellery pieces and creatively reassemble them)?
I make everything from scratch.
I buy in pieces but add value to them by making them into new things.
I design it and sell it but the product is made for me by others.
I source beautiful things from different places and package them for sale - I do not make any of it myself.
What type of Vendor would you like to be?
Casual Vendor - $55 per market - pay as you go, dates are only able to be booked week to week , no dates can be booked in advance
Flexi Vendor - $45 per market. Select all your desired dates in advance and prepay. Minimum of 6 dates.
Fulltime Vendor - $35 per market. Sign up for the whole season and get a great rate! (There are limited numbers of spaces available for Full Time Vendors).
Are you a Food Vendor ? Select as many as apply.
You will need to provide everything for your setup - this includes tables. Are you prepared to do this?
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